Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Posting Because It Has Been So Long Since My Last Post

Howdy! Yes, I am still alive and well. My family still lives and breathes and works and does school. I can't believe it is almost the end of October!!!! I wish the leaves were more colorful, but they are beginning to turn. It is appropriately chilly. End of the weather discussion.

Brian's ankle is better, but now his muscles hurt like crazy. All the time. He is unsure about the marathon. I hope and pray his body adjusts so that he can run the whole thing. Otherwise, he will run the half marathon - maybe. This means no Boston in the spring. Yes, you hear selfish motives in there somewhere, but I would definitely be sad for my hubby if he had to give up the whole marathon for a half.

Gabrielle is trying to prepare to run the mile race that same day - her 13th birthday. She WANTS to do it. (She can't possibly be related to her mother.) She ran a half mile today in great time, but had to walk some to finish. Brian is working her up bit by bit. We will all be downtown in the morning, trying to keep warm and enjoying something we've never enjoyed on Thanksgiving morning. Gabrielle and Brian should do well and have a fantastic time doing something new and different Thanksgiving.

Which brings me to my next point: I am very thankful for where God has us and how He is faithfully taking care of us! Brian's job is great and getting even better; Joel is surviving school and working hard and visiting every weekend; Aliya is working hard in school with a great attitude, passed her SAT's with college-worthy scores, and now has a driver's license! Abby is working hard in school, learning to work more efficiently, and is enjoying the beautiful weather outside with friends. Gabrielle is doing great in school and keeping busy. She is also looking forward to a birthday party in a few weeks. Everyone is healthy. (Stay away, flu.) Church is great and we love our new care group. We have also enjoyed getting to know some international students through the Friends of Internationals Bible studies (thanks, Friesens!)

I am grateful for my home, even though there are many things I want to paint, fix, and redecorate. If you know me at all, you know that these things will never completely get done until we move again. (And if we never move, well.... you do the math.) I am also happily preparing myself for the addition of a new "boy" into our family; a male mini-schnauzer who has been tentatively named Kalvin. I can thank my great grandmother for the opportunity to get the puppy. We are to pick him up in TN a week from Thursday. Brian named him for now, but we might change our minds when we see him. He comes from Karlshof Kennels, so we have been informed he will bear the kennel name before his pet name. This explains the spelling of his name. The name Kalvin is inspired partly by Calvin & Hobbes, and partly by the reformed theologian, John Calvin . Why not "Hobbes?" It just doesn't have a very nice ring. Sorry! Maybe if he were a hound dog - maybe.

In spite of the fact that the name means "little bald one," we persist for now. We HOPE our new guy has nice hair, and lots of it. He WILL be little, however.

BUT if we should decide Kalvin is a poor fit for our salt & pepper little buddy, please submit possible names for the future. So far, we have Hansi (awwwwww) as one choice.

If in a few weeks I am grumbling about lack of sleep, whining, yipping, potty on the floor, and bad puppy manners, remind me of this post, will you? I'll try to post pics of the little critter when I can. For now, we have Aspen's UTI to deal with (potty on the floor) and are expecting a pleasant visit from one Charlie - of Watkins labradoodle stock. He has graced our home before; it is always a party with Charlie here!

Our ladies in caregroup are having a social tonight. My friend Vikki had the idea of having a big hair contest. I had to scour old photos for a picture of me with big hair (complete with ginormous 80's glasses). I certainly found one - or several. I don't think I will win the contest for the biggest hair, but I wonder if 2nd place goes to the biggest glasses. Well, I am sort of in charge, so I can decide whatever I want, right? And by the way, if anyone ever wants to give this poor girl the gift of her own fashion consultant....

I am off to hunt for the perfect Big Hair Prize while wearing semi-frumpy clothing and smaller plastic-framed glasses. My teenage girls WILL still let me out of the house. Till next post...

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