Monday, June 9, 2008

Quiet Around Here

It has been very quiet around here. Joel, Aliya & Abby flew to Denver last Tuesday. They are having a lot of fun catching up with friends, seeing old sights, and trying to adjust to the time change difference of two hours. Aliya has enjoyed staying with her friend, Rachel, whose graduation Aliya attended on Saturday. Congrats, Rachel! Abby has been enjoying her time at the Longtines, and is giving and getting her fill of silliness, singing and laughter. She is grateful to have time to spend with her dear friend, Stephanie. Joel has enjoyed hanging out with his good friend, Bryce, doing things they used to do "way back when," and sleeping and eating and hanging out some more. Joel also had the chance to work for his first boss, Mr. Doyle, for a few profitable days. What a blessing! Joel also had to cram for a chemistry subject test (SAT) to take this past Saturday. He felt like he did well; we shall know soon enough. If he gets a certain minimum score, he can skip re-taking chemistry (which did not transfer to Tech from FRCC) and jump right into his electrical engineering major at Georgia Tech this fall.

Here at home, Gabrielle has had quite the busy social calendar. Thanks to her friends, she has had plenty to do; swimming, sleepovers, baking, visiting, babysitting, etc. Saturday evening, we met some friends at a mini bluegrass concert at the Red Top Mountain Restaurant/Lodge. We drove a mere half hour away to feel like we were in the mountains in the middle of nowhere, listening to some rather entertaining songs and lyrics. Many of us came to the conclusion that one of the musicians had the exact profile of our friend, John. I still think John resembles Craig T. Nelson. :)

Brian and I have been enjoying the peace and quiet at the same time we have been missing our three oldest offspring! The kids can attest to the fact that they are being perpetually bothered by daily phone calls, text messages, etc.

Soon they will be home, with many memories to keep with them. I hope the next few days seem to go slowly for them and quickly for us!

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